class Minecraft(host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 1789)

Minecraft is the main object of interacting with Minecraft servers that have the mcpq-plugin. When constructing the class, a host and port of the server should be provided to which a connection will be built. They default to "localhost" and 1789 respectively. All other worlds, events, entities and more are then received via the methods of that instance.

from mcpq import Minecraft
mc = Minecraft()  # connect to localhost
mc.postToChat("Hello Minecraft")  # send  message in chat


Generally, it is sufficient to construct one Minecraft instance per server or active connection, as this connection is thread-safe and reusable. However, it is also possible to connect with multiple instances from the same or different hosts at the same time.


The connection used by the server is not encrypted or otherwise secured, meaning that any man-in-the-middle can read and modify any information sent between the program and the Minecraft server. For security reasons it is recommended to connect from the same host as the server is running on. By default, the plugin does only allow connections from localhost to prevent access from third parties.

The Minecraft instance is also an event handler, the default World and can be used to query Entity and Player objects from the server. Checkout the corresponding classes for more information.

property events: EventHandler

The EventHandler for receiving events from the server. Checkout the EventHandler class for examples for receiving events.

property host: str

The Minecraft server host address this instance is connected to.

property port: int

The Minecraft server port this instance is connected to.

postToChat(*objects, sep: str = ' ') None

Print objects in chat separated by sep. All objects are converted to strings using str() first.

mc.postToChat("Hello Minecraft")
mc.postToChat("Players online:", mc.getPlayers())

You can also use the module mcpq.text to color or markup your chat messages.

from mcpq.text import *  # RED, BLUE, BOLD, RESET ...
mc.postToChat(RED + BOLD + "super " + RESET + BLUE + "cool!")
# prints "super cool!", where "super" is red and bold, and "cool!" is blue

# or alternatively, in order to not mix up your namespaces (especially `mcpq.colors`)
from mcpq import text
mc.postToChat(text.RED + text.BOLD + "super " + text.RESET + text.BLUE + "cool!")

sep (str, optional) – the separated between each object, defaults to “ “

runCommand(command: str) None

Run the command as if it was typed in chat as /-command. The command is run with the highest possible permission and no other modifiers.

mc.runCommand("kill @e")
mc.runCommand("gamerule doDaylightCycle false")

command (str) – the command without the slash /

property worlds: tuple[World, ...]

Give a tuple of all worlds loaded on the server. Does not automatically call refreshWorlds().


A tuple of all worlds loaded on the server

Return type:

tuple[World, …]

property overworld: World

Identical to getWorldByKey() with key "minecraft:overworld".


The overworld world World object

Return type:


property nether: World

Identical to getWorldByKey() with key "minecraft:the_nether".


The nether world World object

Return type:


property end: World

Identical to getWorldByKey() with key "minecraft:the_end".


The end world World object

Return type:


getWorldByKey(key: str) World

The key of a world is the dimensions internal name/id. Typically a regular server has the following worlds/keys:

  • "minecraft:overworld"

  • "minecraft:the_nether"

  • "minecraft:the_end"

The "minecraft:" prefix may be omitted, e.g., "the_nether".

If the given key does not exist an exception is raised.


key (str) – Internal name/id of the world, such as "minecraft:the_nether" or "the_nether"


The corresponding World object

Return type:


getWorldByName(name: str) World

The name of a world is the folder or namespace the world resides in. The setting for the world the server opens is found in A typical, unmodified PaperMC server will save the worlds in the following folders:

  • "world", for the overworld

  • "world_nether", for the nether

  • "world_the_end", for the end

The name of the overworld (default world) is used as the prefix for the other folders.

If the given name does not exist an exception is raised.


name (str) – Foldername the world is saved in, such as world


The corresponding World object

Return type:


refreshWorlds() None

Fetches the currently loaded worlds from server and updates the world objects. This should only be called if the loaded worlds on the server change, for example, with the Multiverse Core Plugin. By default, the worlds will be refreshed on first use only.

getEntityById(entity_id: str) Entity

Get an entity with a certain entity_id, even if it is not loaded.

Normally the entity_id is not known ahead of time. Prefer using getEntities(), getEntitiesAround() and spawnEntity(), which all return entities.


entity_id (str) – the unique entity identified


the corresponding entity with that id, even if not loaded

Return type:


getOfflinePlayer(name: str) Player

Get the Player with the given name no matter if the player is online or not. Does not raise any errors if the player is offline.


name (str) – player name/id


the player with the given name

Return type:


getPlayers(names: list[str] | None = None) list[Player]

Get all currently online players on the entire server. If names is provided get all players with the given names only if they are online. Will raise an error if names is provided and at least one player with given name is offline.


names (list[str] | None, optional) – if given return only players with given names or error if one of the given players is offline, otherwise if names is None will return all currently online players, defaults to None


the list of all currently online players, or if names is provided, only those online players

Return type:


getPlayerNames() list[str]

Equivalent to getPlayers() but only return their names instead.


list of all currently online Player names

Return type:


getPlayer(name: str | None = None) Player

Get any currently online player, which will become the default player thereafter, or get the online player with given name. Will raise an error if either no player is online, or if the player with given name is not online.

If you want to check for any currently online players, use getPlayers() instead.


name (str | None, optional) – name of the online Player that should be returned, or None if any online player will do, defaults to None


the player with name if name is given, else any online player that will become default player thereafter

Return type:


property pvp: bool

True if any world on the server has pvp enabled. Can be set to enable or disable pvp on all worlds on the server.

getHighestPos(x: int, z: int) Vec3

The position of the highest non-air block with given x and z in the world.


The position of the highest non-air block with given x and z

Return type:


getHeight(x: int, z: int) int

Equivalent to the y value of getHighestPos() with x and z.

getBlock(pos: Vec3) str

The block type/id at position pos in world.


The function does only query the block type/id, no additional block data is included.


pos (Vec3) – position to query block from


block type/id at queried position

Return type:


getBlockList(positions: list[Vec3]) list[str]

The list of all block types/ids at given positions in world in the same order.


The function does only query the block types/ids, no additional block data is included.


positions (list[Vec3]) – list of positions to query


list of block types/ids at given positions (same order)

Return type:


setBlock(blocktype: str, pos: Vec3) None

Change the block at position pos to blocktype in world. This will overwrite any block at that position.

  • blocktype (str) – the valid block type/id to set the block to

  • pos (Vec3) – the position where the block should be set

setBed(pos: Vec3, direction: Literal['east', 'south', 'west', 'north'] = 'east', color: Literal['white', 'orange', 'magenta', 'light_blue', 'yellow', 'lime', 'pink', 'gray', 'light_gray', 'cyan', 'purple', 'blue', 'brown', 'green', 'red', 'black'] = 'red') None

Place a bed at pos in direction with color, which is composed of two placed blocks with specific block data.

  • pos (Vec3) – the position of foot part of bed

  • direction (CARDINAL, optional) – direction in which to place head part of bed, defaults to “east”

  • color (COLOR, optional) – color of bed, defaults to “red”

setBlockList(blocktype: str, positions: list[Vec3]) None

Change all blocks at positions to blocktype in world. This will overwrite all blocks at the given positions. This is more efficient that using setBlock() mutliple times with the same blocktype.

  • blocktype (str) – the valid block type/id to set the blocks to

  • positions (list[Vec3]) – the positions where the blocks should be set

setBlockCube(blocktype: str, pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3) None

Change all blocks in a cube between the corners pos1 and pos2 in world to blocktype, where both positions are inclusive. meaning that both given positions/corners will be part of the cube. This will overwrite all blocks between the given positions. The positions span a cube if all their coordinates are different, a plane if one of their coordinates is the same or a line if two of their three coordinates are the same.

# xlen, ylen, zlen are the length of the cube in the specified axis
start = Vec3()  # this would be the lowest (most negative coordinates) corner of the cube we want to draw, here origin
world.setBlockCube("diamond_block", start, start.addX(xlen).addY(ylen).addZ(zlen))

# this is equivalent to (but more efficent and faster than)

for x in range(xlen + 1):
    for y in range(ylen + 1):
        for z in range(zlen + 1):
            world.setBlock("diamond_block", start.addX(x).addY(y).addZ(z))
  • blocktype (str) – the valid block type/id to set the blocks to

  • pos1 (Vec3) – the position of one corner of the cube

  • pos2 (Vec3) – the position of the opposite corner of the cube

copyBlockCube(pos1: Vec3, pos2: Vec3) list[list[list[str]]]

Get all block types in a cube between pos1 and pos2 inclusive. Should be used in conjunction with pasteBlockCube().


The function does only copy the block types/ids, no additional block data is included.

  • pos1 (Vec3) – the position of one corner of the cube

  • pos2 (Vec3) – the position of the opposite corner of the cube


the block types in the cube given as rows of x with columns of y with slices of depth z respectively

Return type:


pasteBlockCube(blocktypes: list[list[list[str]]], pos: Vec3, rotation: Literal['east', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'up', 'down'] = 'east', flip_x: bool = False, flip_y: bool = False, flip_z: bool = False) None

Paste the block types in the cube blocktypes into the world at position pos where pos is the negative most corner of the cube along all three axes. Additional options can be used to change the rotation of blocks in the copied cube, however, no matter in which way the cube is rotated and/or flipped, pos will also be the most negative corner. Should be used in conjunction with copyBlockCube().


The copyBlockCube() function does only copy the block types/ids, no additional block data is included.

start = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
end = start.addX(5).addY(5).addZ(5)
# copy a 6x6x6 block cube from origin in world
blocks = world.copyBlockCube(start, end)
# replace that space with the same blocks but rotated by 90 degrees
world.pasteBlockCube(blocks, start, "south")
# copy same original block at different point above origin
world.pasteBlockCube(blocks, start.up(200))
  • blocktypes (list[list[list[str]]]) – the cube of block types/ids that should be pasted, given as rows of x with columns of y with slices of depth z respectively

  • pos (Vec3) – the most negative corner along all three axes of the cube where the cube should be pasted

  • rotation (DIRECTION, optional) – the direction of the x axis of the cube to be pasted (“east” means copied x axis aligns with real x axis, i.e., the original orientation), defaults to “east”

  • flip_x (bool, optional) – flip pasted blocks along x axis, defaults to False

  • flip_y (bool, optional) – flip pasted blocks along y axis, defaults to False

  • flip_z (bool, optional) – flip pasted blocks along z axis, defaults to False

spawnEntity(type: str, pos: Vec3) Entity

Spawn and return a new entitiy of given type at position pos in world. The entity has default settings and behavior.

  • type (str) – the valid entity type that should be spawned (must be spawnable without additional parameters)

  • pos (Vec3) – the position where to spawn the entitiy in the world


the Entity entity spawned

Return type:


spawnItems(pos: Vec3, type: str, amount: int = 1) None

Spawn amount many collectable items of type at pos.

  • pos (Vec3) – position where to spawn the items

  • type (str) – the item type, e.g., "minecraft:arrow"

  • amount (int, optional) – number of items to spawn, defaults to 1

getEntities(type: str | None = None, only_spawnable: bool = True) list[Entity]

Get all (loaded) entities in the world. If a type is provided, only entities of that type are returned. By default only entities of types that could be spawned using spawnEntity() are returned. To get all entities (except players) set only_spawnable=False, which will also return non-spawnable entities such as e.g. "falling_block" or "dropped_item".

  • type (str | None, optional) – if provided returns only entities of that type, returns all types if None, defaults to None

  • only_spawnable (bool, optional) – if False, will also return non-spawnable entities, defaults to True


list of (loaded and filtered) entities in the world

Return type:


getEntitiesAround(pos: Vec3, distance: float, type: str | None = None, only_spawnable: bool = True) list[Entity]

Equivalent to getEntities(), however, is filtered to only return entities within distance around pos. Is more efficient that filtering the list manually.

  • pos (Vec3) – position around which the entities are returned

  • distance (float) – the maximum distance entities returned have around pos

  • type (str | None, optional) – if provided returns only entities of that type, returns all types if None, defaults to None

  • only_spawnable (bool, optional) – if False, will also return non-spawnable entities, defaults to True


list of (loaded and filtered) entities in the world closer than distance to pos

Return type:


removeEntities(type: str | None = None) None

Remove all entities (except players) from the world, they do not drop anything. If type is provided remove only entities of that type.


type (str | None, optional) – if provided removes only entities of that type, otherwise remove all entities, defaults to None