class Turtle(mc: Minecraft | None = None, pos: Vec3 | None = None, world: World | str | None = None)

Turtle is a construct that can move precisely in 3D while drawing a line behind it on the Minecraft server made of blocks. It is inspired by the Python turtle module.

The turtle takes three optional arguments, which will be set to the following defaults if not otherwise specified:

  • mc will be initialized with a connection to localhost

  • pos will be initialized to pos of getPlayer()

  • world will be initialized to mc (default world)

If any of these are provided use the provided arguments instead.

from mcpq import Minecraft, Vec3
from import Turtle

mc = Minecraft()  # connect to server on localhost
t = Turtle(mc)  # spawn turtle at player position

for i in range(4):


All methods of Turtle return itself, so that methods can be chained together, e.g., t.speed(10).fd(50).rt(90).body("iron_block").fd(10).


Most methods have shortcuts, such as forward() = fd or right() = rt.

property pos: Vec3

Current precise position of head (including decimal points)

home() Turtle

Equivalent to goto() with the position the turtle spawned at

goto(pos: Vec3) Turtle

Look at and move in a direct line to pos

teleport(pos: Vec3) Turtle

Teleport directly to pos. Does not draw line there

head(block: str) Turtle

Set the head of the turtle to block

body(block: str) Turtle

Set the body of the turtle to block - this will be used to draw

speed(speed: float) Turtle

Set the speed of the turtle. Roughly corresponds to the number of blocks set per second, i.e., how long the turtle waits between each step => 1 / speed. Can be set to 0 for fastest, i.e., do not wait between steps.

forward(by: float) Turtle

Move by 1-sized steps in the current forward direction

backward(by: float) Turtle

Move by 1-sized steps opposite the current forward direction

right(angle: float) Turtle

Turn angle degrees right in place

left(angle: float) Turtle

Turn angle degrees left in place

up(angle: float) Turtle

Turn angle degrees up in place

down(angle: float) Turtle

Turn angle degrees down in place

pendown() Turtle

Draw while moving until penup() is called (default)

penup() Turtle

Do not draw while moving until pendown() is called

pensize(size: int) Turtle

Change the width of the pen used to draw

hidehead() Turtle

Do not show the head of the turtle (draws body instead)

showhead() Turtle

Show the head of the turtle (default)

start_batch_mode(batch_time: float) Turtle
stop_batch_mode() Turtle